You can apply for the first time or renew a concealed weapon license at our Downtown Fort Myers office located at 2480 Thompson Street. An appointment is required. 

Starting July 1, 2023, Florida House Bill 543 goes into effect which removes the requirement for having a concealed firearm license to carry a concealed firearm in Florida. However, customers can still receive a license if they wish. The license is reciprocal in certain states and the three day waiting period does not apply for Florida Concealed Weapon or Firearm License holders.

To see what is needed to obtain a CWL or renew, please look at these documents:

Concealed Weapon License Important Information flyer – English

Licencia Para Portar Arma Oculta Informacion Importante – Espanol

The Tax Collector does not process replacement licenses. That service must be performed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FLDACS).

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